Felix Prehn of the Goat Academy's Daily Stock Market News will make you the best informed investor and trader. Stay miles ahead of the goings on, on Wall Street.
Felix Prehn is a former banker. Felix is also the founder of the Goat Academy, an educational community with a mission to make 1 million people financially free.
Felix Prehn - Painful Short Squeeze: Wall St Just Turned! + Stock Market News 03 March 2025 (Goat Academy)
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And we're live. Felix here, and welcome to this pre-market live stream we have, according to the biggest story ever in the history of. I want to walk you through the following here and I'll share my screen with you so you can see it better. There we go the second biggest short squeeze since COVID. According to Goldman Sachs, inflation has literally just flipped and I don't really understand what that means, because that's a big portfolio. Stick around. We also have four big positive news over the weekend Crypto is back with a vengeance the pump and a dump, probably, but definitely a pump.
Speaker 1:Tesla is back with a vengeance. A pump and a dump, probably, but definitely a pump Tesla. And there is one big tech store, actually massively overlooked, looking incredibly cheap, and I want to explain to you why and how and which one. So if this information would be useful for you to make more money, become a better investor, then write investor in the chat and I'll walk you through these six. And I also know that you're alive and that you've got a pulse and that you're interested. You want to learn which is really what this is all about. So a hairstyle is crazy. It is. It is insanely. It is insanely humid here. There is very little we can do about that. Mike's cutting out again, is it that might be to do with the volume here? Okay, I'm still on the laptop. Investor, investor I can see it from Rene there, and William and Brent. Okay, there's so many of you that I can barely see that. Brilliant Lester alive. Brilliant, okay, fantastic guys, welcome.
Speaker 1:So let me walk you through, then, what I think are the most important life-changing of information and news here this morning. The first, and you might remember this from last week, that, and good morning Fox, our lovely moderator there. I appreciate you always being here. We were really bearish last week, right, and I said to you, when you're crazily bearish, as bearish as we are on Friday, that's quite possibly an opportunity for people with a long enough time horizon. Turns out, you needed a three-day time horizon and it was long enough, and this is a really cool chart. Actually, you might want to screenshot this. Seriously, this is such good data. Next time the market dips, remember where you saved this Because, generally speaking, when consumer sentiment here it dips, the blue line across the middle is where it usually is Either high or it's low.
Speaker 1:When it's low, like 2008, 2011, 2020, look at the returns that we typically get 2008,. Over the next 12 months, 22%, 2011, 15%, 2020, you've got 43%. And each dip like this, every time you dip, you get these massive outside rewards for being a contrarian, for buying when everybody is freaking out. So, when everybody is freaking out. So that's very important. Now, bearing that in mind, hedge funds are the opposite. The hedge funds probably the better part to show you this one. They go long or they go short, right, long just means they buy, short just means just means themselves. And what have they done? Well, the muppets have sold a lot, but they had a terrible week last week because they were really long and I told you that beginning of the week, they started to sell, during which I also told, but they've followed the market and now it's bouncing. They caught. They caught with their, with their trousers down, their shorts down, which is going to drive what.
Speaker 1:What do you do if you wake up in the morning and you are, say, short a stock, like up on one like MSTR, for example? Say, you're short MSTR and you're short MSTR. Wake up and it isn't at the 255 where you left your short on Friday, now trading at $290. What do you do? Well, you have to close your position, otherwise you're potentially going to lose all your money, because it might go really, really, really high, and we'll get into the why in just a moment. Right, you want it louder Pretty loud. On my end, I think it's probably too loud, if anything. So what are these guys going to do? How do you close a short position? Who knows how to close a short position? How do you establish a short position? Sell something? How do you then close that position? You have to do it. You buy it back, matt, exactly, you buy it back, and that then means it goes up a lot more. These guys are going to feel some serious pain.
Speaker 1:Goldman Sachs expects hedge funds to's how they explain it. Hedge funds were very long, just as the market and created, and then they scrambled to recover some money. Basically, the hedge fund community unleashed the second biggest shorting spree since covid. Now, over the weekend, eric trump has unleashed a massive rally, and we get into that in just a second, because that's like. You know a lot of what is going on here. So we also expect the CTAs to start buying this morning. We expect the pension funds to start buying. There's a lot of buying that's going to happen here this morning.
Speaker 1:And then all you people out there and I know it's not you because you listen to me, but a lot of people are saying inflation is terrible. Talk to the average Democrat. According to the polls, they're saying inflation is the biggest threat to the universe. You know what's funny? In October I was always making fun of the president. Now we'll make fun of this president too. Watch me in a few minutes. I don't really care about which party is it, I just care about making money for myself and my family. Don't rely on governments for me. But look at this. Inflation is at 1.4 percent. Who comes up with this data? It'sa website called trueflationcom, very, very good data, because they take corporate data. They take real world data, real price points, don't just sort of make it up like this government does. So at 1.4% inflation. Why are interest rates where they are right now? Somebody explain that to me. Interest rates should be way, way, way, way lower and they will come down. Just, they're going to do it a little bit too late and back in the valley.
Speaker 1:Now there are also four huge pieces of news over the weekend and here is a little summary. There is a debate starting to restart the gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, which would be hugely positive for European economies because it would lower inflation, because the gas is cheap. Us is implying that they might lower the tariffs on mexico and canada, which could be good for all the emerging markets. The germans are going to put 400 billion dollars or euros that they don't have into two special funds, one for defense and one for infrastructure, to sort of survive if the Americans dump them. Then there was an interview from Besson over the weekend, and he was basically saying well, I think inflation is going to come down because they're going to spend less. He's basically saying tariffs are not a punishment, they're a stick and a carrot. If you can't comply, you might get lower tariffs. It would be good for markets, and he was generally not quite as well. It is constructive. On Chinese relationships lightest way to put it or should be very, very good for that.
Speaker 1:Noise cancelling counts. Cuts out the vocals, it's turn of the noise cancelling. What happens then? Right, you can hear burping, I can't, though. There is a noise gate. Let's try that off. I've turned it off. Can you hear me better? And then we'll keep that as it is. Let me see, let me know if that's any better, guys, and otherwise we'll switch to another computer tomorrow, bear with me.
Speaker 1:So, knowing all this information now, right, that was a lot of information already, and we're only like halfway through. What are you therefore thinking? You're thinking, well, the market's going to go up. I should probably buy stuff, shouldn't I? I should probably buy stuff.
Speaker 1:And look at the pre-market here. This is pre-market, it looks pretty good. Tesla up 2.7%, right. Palantir is up 4.3%. That's better, and that's better. Okay, cool.
Speaker 1:So it was a funny setting thing. This is looking pretty good, right, and I mean even Friday remember Friday, friday was also pretty good, right. So we're looking pretty happy here this morning and therefore, like, what are you going to be buying? Isn't that the real question? What are you going to be buying? So how do you answer that question? Well, it's taken me about 13 years to figure out, maybe a little bit less. It cost me a couple of hundred thousand dollars to figure it out, and I did spend some time in banking, so I had a big head start there and had some really, really good mentors.
Speaker 1:So what if I was just going to put all that information and put it into a 15-minute video and give it to you, would you watch it? Would you watch it? Would you watch it. Why would you watch it? Because what if I said to you you would make better decisions forever after? What if I said to you that you would be much clearer, you'd have much more clarity about the actions that you take when you invest or when you trade doesn't really matter, it's the same thing. Would that be helpful, and what would be the real outcome? Why would it be helpful? Why is it important? Because, ultimately, why are you here? Why do you do what you do? Why do you invest your money?
Speaker 1:Because you want to get to freedom, you want to look after the people you love and you want to you know, maybe have an impact on the world or do something positive with the time freedom that you have and for the people you care about, right? So who's up for watching that? There's a link down below, felixfrenzorg get free. It's literally a 15 minute video and there I'll give you the three rules when you buy, how do you manage it and when you sell. Pretty simple and anybody can follow it. Investors can follow it, traders can follow it, beginners can follow it, and tens of thousands of you have watched it, and I've gotten thousands of you messaging me saying how useful it was. So he's going to go watch. Katie, welcome to the Academy. Appreciate you as Lawrence shouts freedom.
Speaker 1:Yes, if you're going to go watch the Felix Rensselaer, get Free Masterclass, write freedom, or just free that's shorter, right Free in the chat. And I know that you're actually doing that and it's a little bit of a commitment to yourself by saying it publicly. And I've got someone here who'll hold you accountable, which is a new trainee investor. We've got a real beginner investor over here in Alm. This is Albert. Albert is. How old are you, albert? The shelter said you were about eight months. Look at the size of that thing. There is no way you are eight months, but you are very cute. So, yeah, we're training him up. He's going to be a great trader. He's also got a great appetite. Look at that tummy. So, yeah, go do that, guys, because that's actually going to help. And please don't step on the power button. Famous last words. All right then.
Speaker 1:So what is what has Eric Trump done? I'm sorry, donald Trump done? Well, donald Trump tweeted this, or he? What's this platform called Truisted? Is that a word? That's not what it's called Truth, social or something. I've never been on it.
Speaker 1:He says the US crypto reserve will elevate this critical industry after a year of self-corruption. Okay, there's a bit of politics we don't care for and we're going to include XRP makes no sense to me. By the way, solana and ADA. I don't really get why you'd include XRP and ADA. They're American. I think that might be the only reason it makes sure the US crypto is capital of the world. And then he posted seven minutes later, after Eric called him and said Dad, you forgot to mention our biggest holdings. And he said obviously, bitcoin and Ethereum, as I'm trying to keep this cat off the keyboard.
Speaker 1:So what is the effect of that? Well, all that stuff is flying at the opening of the market here and, seriously, very, very dangerous cat very, very close to the power button here. So if we just cut out, you know what happened. So look at MSTR, for example, a position I've been nursing for some time, and we were on Friday at 255. Now we're at 292, right. The same will apply to things like CLSK. Okay, you can go any way, just you can't walk across the keyboard. You are a very naughty cat. There we go. So CLSK is also up $43. The whole space is up. Hoods was up 10% when I just looked. Cat fur is now flying everywhere, cat doing cat things, exactly. Yeah, so we went from $50 to 50. We're up 9.3% here this morning. So the whole sector is pumping. It's going to make everybody feel wonderful and a lot of those stocks are heavily shorted again. So they could go significantly higher if we keep pushing like that today, because, well, it's hard to unwind your shorts pre-market. So it could be interesting.