Felix Prehn - This is the Best Investing Opportunity of Your Life + Stock Market News 25 February 2025 (Goat Academy)

Felix Prehn

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Speaker 1:

And welcome to this pre-market live stream. We finally made it online. I want to walk you through eight incredibly important concepts, patterns and pieces of information so that you can make better decisions today as an investor and avoid the pitfalls and avoid missing out on the great, big, shiny opportunity in front of us. Because I'm loving this sell-off and I appreciate that doesn't come naturally, but by the end of this video, you'll hopefully be as optimistic as I am, because it is a. It's a beautiful world, it's a beautiful stock market. So I want to walk you through this. I want to walk you through the bad news first. Right, let's hit you in the face with the bad stuff. Algo funds are selling. Yup, that's not good. There's lots of bad news. I'll show you all of it so that nothing will faze you. Then there was a silver lining. I will tell you when the market will rebound. I will give you the great news. To keep you somewhat excited, I will give you Nvidia's answer to DeepSeek, which is interesting to say the least. Massive tesla news hey pal news as well for you bag holders out there. And then finally, least but not last, actually definitely not least very, very important the chart they don't want you to see, which will tell you why I've got such a big smile on my face. So, um, there we are. Do you want to see this? If you want to see all of these eight facts, write eight in the chat. So I know that you want to hear it and I'll tell you all about it. I'll put an eight in the chat there and hello there to my friends in Israel, in Germany. Scott, you were here, brilliant, that's the first eight. You see, scott is always fast off the mark here. Let me give you some bad news first, because you need to be aware of it so you know what the heck's going on there. Lots of eights here, brilliant, you wrote eight. You have the mind of a golden retriever. You associate everything with food. Lots of eights here, amazing. You have the mind of a golden retriever. You associate everything with food. Lots of eights here, amazing, brilliant.

Speaker 1:

Good morning there to Boston. I haven't been to Boston for a while. Boston's an amazing place. At least it used to be. It's still a nicer place as it was. I was probably last in Boston 20 years ago. Is it still that nice? It's beautiful Now.

Speaker 1:

Ctas what are CTAs? Cta I'm loving all the AIDS guys. I'm going to ignore the 69s. They're naughty.

Speaker 1:

Algo funds are computer-driven funds. You'd think computers would be beating the market by now. They typically are not. But no matter what happens over the next week in the stock market, you can go up, nvidia can come in with the most amazing earnings in the world. Robots will be dancing in the White House, that sort of thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, the algo funds are going to sell if the market's flat. They're going to sell if the market goes up. They're going to sell if the market goes down. The same thing happens over the next month. So, no matter what happens, there is going to be some selling not massive selling, but some selling, and that's definitely something to be aware of.

Speaker 1:

So that's a little bit of not great news, right? Not not brilliant. What about this one here? Bank of canada warns that us tariffs will trigger the worst crash since 1992, with a two plus year recession ahead. I think they mean for canada. So put a little bit of a disclaimer on that one there. I don't think it's that important unless you're heavily invested in Canada. For my Canadian friends and all the moose tuning in, we love you. It could hit you hard. You better negotiate and tell the Muppet running your country to negotiate with the you know the loon in the US. Now Tesla got this news out. Tesla's board chair sold 65% of her shares, a whopping $168 million worth. It's worth sitting on the board of Tesla, isn't it? And she sold basically roundabout the Donald Trump election victory. That could be bad news, right? Maybe it's all over for Tesla. Let's get back to that in a second Trump's team.

Speaker 1:

This is a Bloomberg article from right now, exactly do merchants? Why are algo sellings? They can't help themselves. It's just computers. When the markets drop a little bit, it flags certain things and they have certain rules. They might have dropped below I don't know a 20-day moving average or something like that, and they'll sell. It's not really about rebalancing. These are not mutual funds who rebalance with bonds and stocks. They just buy and sell fairly randomly according to some sort of rules that somebody punched into the computer in circa 1989. Algo funds are a terrible investment in my humble opinion. They tend to really, really really do a bad job. Jeff, you're from Canada. You are lovely people. Honestly, I've yet to meet a Canadian who isn't an absolutely lovely individual. So yeah, we like the Canadians.

Speaker 1:

Now Trump is going to toughen Biden's chip controls over China. They're pressuring the Dutch and the Iwanese and everybody else, and that could be bad for who? Well, it could be bad for NVIDIA. It could be bad for if I could spell NVIDIA ESMC, it could be bad for literally anybody in the chip space. It's just bad for chips overall, not the McDonald's chips, they're just fine. Do you see that McDonald's is starting to ID people in certain parts of New York to get into and order a burger? That's funny, isn't it? Funny? I mean sad, but also kind of funny. And in Europe nobody wants to buy the you know, nazi Tesla cars. Apparently. They'd much rather buy a Volkswagen. Apparently, 45% down, everyone because of Musk's meddling.

Speaker 1:

Now, this is a Bloomberg article and for some reason Mike Bloomberg seems to really hate Elon. I don't know why, maybe because he's richer than him or something. So, yeah, not brilliant, right? So there is some bad news and I'm liking some of the comments here in the chat, guys loving it. Let me know if some of this is making sense, by the way, like write sense in the chat and then I know that it's making some sense.

Speaker 1:

We also have and this is again from Bloomberg, or you know, bloomberg, as I call them. They're saying they think unemployment is going to skyrocket. Well, there are two explanations for that. One is that maybe Trump isn't going to cook the numbers quite as hard as the last guy did. But yeah, there are firings, there are layoffs, there are job cuts which are all the same thing, by the way, right, but it's a bit more dramatic if we got three different words for the same thing. So they've spiked to 15,000, the most in 12 months Not exactly millions of people unemployed. But yes, there are, you know, investment bankers being laid off, and we've started a GoFundMe page for the HSBC investment bankers that just got laid off. I mean, some of them apparently cancelled the orders on the second McLaren. I mean, that's some real hardship. I feel sorry for people that are getting laid off. And the real story to this is I don't know if I took a screenshot of that here. No, I don't think I did Some people think that the Trump administration will lay off one million people and that's going to shake up a lot of people's lives.

Speaker 1:

I totally get that. But if you think the story through, right the concern we had, as if you just take away all the politics, just focus purely on the money, right, which is kind of what we try to do here, probably fail to do that fairly miserably, but if you just focus on the money now, they're going to reduce, or they are reducing, immigration of whatever form. So less immigration means less people working in theory, and therefore it means less growth possibly, and just higher wages, which is inflationary. Right now, lay off a million government employees and let's just assume that the private sector is willing to hire these people and in theory, that would actually fill a massive gap. In theory, you're redeploying people from outputting apparently nothing, because they can't reply to an email and tell you what they did last week actually outputting something. In theory, that could be a good thing, right? Um, does that make some sense? So you're just offended by that because it's a. It's a. It's a sort of trump trumponomics if you want to call it that, but anyway, some people are worried about that. Some people are worried about the unemployment.

Speaker 1:

Now what's the other silver silver lining? When you get lots of unemployment, what do you also also get? You get lower interest rates, and it's one of those things that makes us investors kind of immoral, because in a sense, we benefit from higher unemployment. Pretty freaking weird, isn't it. It's like Wall Street is cheering for unemployment, basically Up to a level. If it gets too high, it affects earnings. But a little bit of unemployment Wall Street quite likes because it keeps interest rates kind of nasty.

Speaker 1:

Is that nasty? If you think that's nasty, I think it's nasty, put right nasty in the chat to see if you still have a soul or a spine or a moral compass, or if it's been completely washed away by the lot on Wall Street. Washed away by the lot on wall street? Um, all right, so, all right. Bitcoin below 90 000 that's not good, right? That's a sentiment thing. Okay, some of you still also think that's nasty. Yeah, pascal and alpha and paul, william and Brent and Carlos, yeah, I'm with you on that, but it's the way capitalism works, my friend, but not really that much we can do about that. Now, the real question there for us and the challenges and I want to tell you the good news in just a second, because there is some good news is therefore like what do we do, right? Do we hold on to the stocks? Do we sell them? Do we short the market? Do we buy, put options? What do we do with this information that lots of stuff is bad right now.

Speaker 1:

Well, I was literally sitting in a restaurant this evening and there were two chaps sitting next to me and one was a bit older and clearly better off and the other was a young kid who was sort of eager to learn from him. And the older guy was in finance, he was some sort of finance guy, and the younger guy was essentially saying to him you know, you've got some tips for me. Can you give me something to basically invest in and make money with? And the older guy said it's not that simple. It's, um, I could give you something, but then, you know, they don't necessarily always work out. You need a bit of time, you need to learn, you need to put in some effort to like, you know, I really understand it. And the younger guy clearly didn't want to learn. He just wanted the tip, he just wanted the like, the fix right there, give me some money, give me some money. And and, um, the older guy was reluctant to hand that over.

Speaker 1:

And at the same time, the older guy was sort of subtly bragging. He was a little bit like he was on the phone. He was traveling to his wife and he was saying oh yeah, they've just been in la and they've been traveling to this country in that country and you know his children had been to five, you know like five places in the last six months or something and he was sort of like subtly bragging how well was doing. And you could see the younger guy getting really frustrated and being like just tell me how, just give me just one trade. And I thought most people are wired like that. Most people just want the quick fix.

Speaker 1:

But he was right, the banker guy that if I was to give you, say, one trade that I thought was going to be brilliant today, then I'll give you you a few, but that doesn't actually change anything, because tomorrow you're still like what about? What's the next one? Give me the next fix, and what if that one doesn't work out? Now you don't know whether you should hold. It. Was feeling right, was it wrong? Should I exit this? I sell it? Should I? What should I do right?

Speaker 1:

And what I love about you guys here and we've got two and a half thousand people in this room is that you are actually here to learn, otherwise you wouldn't listen to me for this long. I actually walk you through much, much deeper information than 99% of people out there ever will know and understand, and that's also why I like to give you the rules. I like to give you the systems and the structures, because there's a pattern to all of this and you can see through the noise of the headlines and see the same patterns, and I'll explain to you today's patterns. You can really be insanely well-informed, but ultimately you've got to learn the chart patterns, because the chart is a reflection of all the noise and all the news and all the expectations and every piece of information out there in the world on any given stock or any given index, and it follows certain patterns and once you understand those, you wake up with a smile, even if the market's down 5% or whatever it is right now. So what I want to give to you is literally the rules through trading and investing, the same rules, and you can access those if you like at frediexpenseorg slash. Get free and learn on your own for like 15 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Learn the actual three rules. And if you then wanted to learn more from me and get some hands-on coaching and mentoring and you don't have to, but you could it'll also give you a way to do that. So who's gonna go and watch and learn the three rules. If you're gonna learn the three rules, as in when to buy, how to manage it and when to sell, then write three in the chat and I know that you're actually going to do something. It's also a little micro commitment to yourself to actually go and do that and I'd suggest you go and do that right now.

Speaker 1:

Stop listening to me dribble on and instead literally today's news is not that important. The knowledge and the skills to spot the patterns forever after is what's important. So put a, put a three in the chat there. And, um, alpha charlie I know you've already been there, my friend, um, I, I love that you're, alpha charlie, tuned in. When's the first time you tuned in?

Speaker 1:

My friend couple of not that long ago, right two weeks ago or something and you tuned in and you were like, uh, fishing for trades and you were losing a lot of money and I had a bit of a go at you Loving all the threes. My friends and I said you know you've got to stop doing that and you've got to pay for trade and you've got to learn. He's doing exactly that. Very, very proud of you, my friend, because very few people actually get out of that mindset, to step away and actually say, hey, I could do better, and you know we can all do better. Let me give you some positive news. Then.

Speaker 1:

Apple says they're going to Mount says where are your morals? Just asking, you mean regarding the unemployed. Ultimately, you can't control the world. What you can't control is your economy. You can control your family's well-being. You can control your family's well-being. You can control your financial security, your time freedom, what your money is doing for you. That you can control. You can't control everything else, right. So, yeah, a lot of things I don't want to invest in, but I can't.

Speaker 1:

Capitalism isn't a theft system. It isn't, but it's the best system we've got right. Look at a map of South and North Korea, like literally look at that and you see what the other system does. Okay, some good news here. Apple is going to open AI server factories in Texas, a part of their 500 billion US investment. Now, I never really believe these numbers. They are exaggerated and padded. It won't be 500 billion, but even if it's just 100 billion, it's a tremendous boost. And, of course, this is also a tremendous boost to the whole chip world, right, whether that's NVIDIA or everybody else in that space. That's definitely a good thing.

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