Felix Prehn - This is the Best Investing Opportunity of Your Life + Stock Market News 17 February 2025 (Goat Academy)

Felix Prehn

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Speaker 1:

Felix here and welcome to this very, very, very pre-market live. We're so excited that market's going to open again on Tuesday. I thought I'd do a live stream on a Monday, because what else do I do with my life? No, but in all seriousness, I love these days off, actually, because it gives us a beautiful time way to reflect on some stuff, do a little bit of research, zoom out and that's exactly what I'm going to walk you through. I want to walk you through the four sectors here that are seeing massive buy interest. I then want to walk you through what mainstream media is going to be talking about tomorrow, probably, so you're better prepared and you understand what they are saying is the next big, great rally and why it may be and why it may not be. So you are really really well prepared. And then a bit of a bit of time to actually just answer questions. Literally ask me anything in the chat and and we'll, we'll, we'll walk through it, um. But first of all, I asked you a poll here in the in the chat, and a lot of you guys have already answered that, that and um. That's great and I'll get to that in a second. That is actually there for a reason. It isn't that just there, randomly, I want to walk you through something very, very cool which I think will be enormously well. Certainly for me has been enormously life-changing once I really really understood this. So shall we get going? I think we should get going.

Speaker 1:

Let me share my screen with you here. There we go Hedge funds just bought the most amount of material stocks, second fastest paced in history. Maybe you think that's really dull, because who cares about material stocks? But what does it say to you? It says well, two things. One they expect likely more tariffs on non-US goods, and that's where they think US material prices could go up. So part of that is tariffs. And the second thing would also be growth. They expect the US economy to grow and for there to be significant investment into industrial stuff that uses materials, construction and so on.

Speaker 1:

So it's Winston sleeping today. He's literally sitting right behind me, but he's refusing to sit up. Winston, sit, sit, sit up, up, up there. We go. There he is, you see, in all his glory. You can go back to sleep. Now, winston, the operations, obviously. So Winston is sleeping. Yes, say that again. Let me share my screen again. While Winston snuggles back in there, he goes Off. He is Annoyed that I interrupted his perfect snooze on the sofa.

Speaker 1:

Let me show you a couple of things. I've been talking about this one here for since September. I'd say Maybe a little earlier than that, I can't remember. I think we really got in on this in September.

Speaker 1:

Some of the stocks that I share with you guys inside the coaching community, and this is financials. I picked any random financial ETF. This one's called VFH. Basically, it attracts banks and mortgages and so on. And, by the way, if you find it useful to go through the stuff that's really, really trending or about to really really be trend again, let me know in the chat. Just let me know if you're finding it useful, just write useful or something like that.

Speaker 1:

We had a breakout here in in late 2024. And then what did we do? Those of you guys who watched the masterclass you know we pretty much always do this right. We always go down a little bit and then we rally back up and we're doing exactly that. So it's been a really, really beautiful rally for our financial stocks, which people often don't think about. I mean, what have we got open at the moment? And again, don't buy these just because I have. It's also all about timing. Obviously, foa I've got interactive brokers. These are stocks, not the actual broker at the moment. Okay, thanks for letting me know that, nick, jeff and Lloyd and Nicholas and all of that Brilliant. So there's lots of ways to play this. Mortgage stocks have just generally done very, very well as well, and that's all on this expectation that rates will come down and things will get better and bank regulation is going to be less.

Speaker 1:

Now here is one that I thought might be controversial. Who hates ARK? Who has lost money on Cathy's ARK fund? And let me know, if you've lost money on ARK, write ARK in the chat. And, of course, most people did, because it's a very, very, very cyclical thing, and it completely collapsed going into 2022 from I don't know where I was trading, but it went down about 70% or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Ark was a bag. So, scott, yeah, and by now I know you no longer hold bags but Scott, for example, I know you're one of my students, but even you guys who've just watched the masterclass, you'll be familiar with this pattern, right and then you sort of draw a line across that here, something like that, and then you spot the, what, you spot the breakout and guess what? We got one. We got one at the end of 2024. And that still looks very good actually, if you ask me, because we zigzagged up a little bit. We keep bouncing off the 50-day moving average line here. We had a marvelous day on friday, up something like six percent or something. So there is life again in innovation and, of course, arc isn't a company that is invested in a bunch of innovative stocks that are pretty high risk. They charge pretty extraordinary fees for doing so, but it's a good way, in one click, to capture a lot of high risk stuff, and high risk stuff is making a comeback, which is the way cycles work. So you don't want to own it down here because then, for literally two years almost almost three years right, all of 2022, all of 2022, actually three years For three years, you were a bag holder.

Speaker 1:

You know what was the problem with being a bag holder for three years, who knows, who knows? Three years, the last three years, how much has the market gone up by? Anybody know. Anybody can look it up. My guess would be 65% plus. That would be my approximate guess. I might be off on that. That would have been the S&P.

Speaker 1:

So the really boring chap that you work with. He's always a little gray and drives a Volvo and is very, very steady. He's up 65% and you, bag holder, are not up 65%, which means what it means? You're actually down 65%, right, because he's going to go back in now having watched a master class and he's going to buy 65 more arc than you. So it's, it's not a good scenario that um doing that, um fox, exactly, you don't make money, um arc tom. Then, my friend, you're a, you're a bag holder. Sorry about that tom, but it about that Tom, but it's a harsh reality that we all have to learn. Well, don't have to learn, but I hope that you want to learn and I'll get back to that in a second.

Speaker 1:

Here's another arc one. And again, you guys watched the master class. What are you starting to recognize? You see this pattern, this beautiful little pattern, and then we draw a line across it and then here we're starting to pop right gap there. For the first time I've seen a major gap and I'm seeing also pretty significant volume.

Speaker 1:

So early maybe to call the breakout, but it's. It's getting there and the whole higher risk cycle is going to come back and there's a lot of money to make it up, especially if you manage it. Well, ark sucks. You see, a lot of people I hate ARK and that's why it takes a long time for these kinds of stocks to go back up, because people really hate it, right? But yeah, it's a sideways motion and it eventually breaks out and then you get these monstrous rallies because most people would have sold by now. Right, people give up on these things. Very few people have the patience of who was the chap with the patience here? Tom Tom Baker. Who is the chap with the patience here? Um, tom tom baker has a lot of patience. So that's an important thing.

Speaker 1:

And that brings me also to a lot of you guys were saying you couldn't make the last master class, even though I did it live on a saturday, because I thought it would have been pretty useful for people and I appreciate it. All the people of you showed up about 2000 or so showed up um, so we're going to run another one live this week on thursday, and I'll walk you through exactly what we just touched upon here how do we spot those breakouts, how do we manage the positions and where do we sell, because you can miss out on the greatest rally in the world. But even worse is if you miss out on the exit where you could have taken this monstrous profit, and then you become Tom Baker Sorry, tom, I'm picking on you who then sits on a stock he's down on significantly for three years, which is just sort of like burying your head in the sand. Sorry, tom, I'm just going to pick on you a lot here today, but this happens to tens of thousands of people. So by the end of this live session, thursday 10 am, literally after our usual live pre-market spot, you will never do those things again. Tom, are you going to join me? Are you going to join me? Let me know. If you're going to join me live, write live in the chat. If you're going to join me live, you can sign up at felixfriendsorg slash webinar. Fox has already very kindly posted the link in the chat here. It's also down below in the description if you can't find it, and that's going to be super, super useful Now.

Speaker 1:

Next, I want to talk to you about Tesla Palantir, yes, and we can also look at some of the other things out there, like BBAI, which keeps popping up here. But I want you to think about something Most of our brains have essentially been corrupted. We've been trained to get what now? We want sort of satisfaction now, right, and that's why people you know they take drugs and drink and that kind of thing. But what I'm hoping is that we can accelerate the pace at which you can achieve something, and most people and that's why you're putting all these ticker symbols here in the chat you just want the stock tip today, right, and you keep hunting on YouTube and the internet and on social media and so on for that quick tip that makes you money today, right, all the markets are closed today. You're going to have to wait till tomorrow, but it's not the way I would approach it.

Speaker 1:

And if you think about it, say, you're baking an apple pie or something I had a lovely apple pie yesterday and you can make the dough and you put the apples on and all that and you can put it in the oven. And the oven is meant to be I don't know what is it 400 degrees or something. But if you put the oven only up to 25 degrees, what do you get after an hour or two of the pie sitting in there? Well, you get a warm mush, right, and that's honestly what most people actually do with their lives. Turn the dial up just a little bit, 25 degrees, and they do that versus actually really training your brain to change your skill level. Because it's easier, isn't it? So it's easier to find one stock tip somewhere in the media and just hope that that's going to take you there, rather than actually learning, um, 15 minutes a day, something you might have. Well, that's literally what it would take you to learn the skill to make your money work for you and your family.

Speaker 1:

And if you want to reap the rewards and if you want to stop gambling because, let's be honest, that's what most people are doing here right, like Tom, be honest. Right, you bought something you know, ark, because it was doing really well and then it collapsed and you had no real rules and getting in or getting out and and the market's going up, going, going up so much the last few years that it's been working some of the time. Right, the gambling thing. But imagine for a moment if you could actually have control over your portfolio. You're completely at ease, never worry and make more money. And if that's something that you might be interested in learning and acquiring that skill and that confidence, then join me on thursday live and I'll literally teach you that I can do that in the 90 minutes, two hours that we'll have together. Literally. So if you head over here phoenixfrancidogswebinar, I'll teach you exactly that. And I want to give you one more thing that I found insanely useful.

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