Felix Prehn - A Warning to All Investors + Stock Market News 13 February 2025 (Goat Academy)

Felix Prehn

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Speaker 1:

Wall Street and mainstream media are once again conspiring to take your money and keep it. How Through the inflation lie that we got out yesterday? Markets were very wobbly because we were worried about higher inflation. We got higher inflation. But if you actually look underneath the numbers and if you read the data and the explanations that Wall Street sends its biggest clients, you will see a very, very different picture. Mainstream media doesn't report it.

Speaker 1:

You could argue it's maybe a little complicated. It's a little complicated, but I think we're all bright enough to understand it, and I think you deserve to understand it, because why do you invest right? Why do you save? Why do you work? Because you can look after yourself, your retirement, your family, your children. And the really important thing is to have the actual facts and not some sort of made up, make-believe story that you're being fed by mainstream media. So I want to walk you through here six points that I think will change completely how you look at the market. And then I also want to share with you what I'm buying and why I'm buying it, and that might also be helpful to give you a little bit of insight here.

Speaker 1:

Now, the basis of understanding all of this is what? The skill of understanding how to read the market, and the only way you're ever going to get there, in my humble opinion, is if you come across somebody who was taught how to do this by a banker, because banks are the only ones with the knowledge. That's, unfortunately, the truth and therefore I want to help you get there. How? By giving you exactly what I learned as an ex-banker for a little stint and what my mentors have been teaching me, and the only way I think you can get that information is to go to felixtransitorg Get free, which is a completely free 15-minute masterclass. So if you're going to watch that masterclass, put masterclass in the chat down below. If you're going to make your 2025 and all the years beyond the best yet, go and watch it, because it'll change your life Seriously. It has done this for many, many, many, many people, and we might put some of those testimonials on the screen here. It's completely free. It's part of my mission to make you free.

Speaker 1:

And let me start first of all and I've got some notes here to make this as high value and concise as possible, because I tend to talk a little bit much. Some people are saying that that's probably true. The inflation lie. So we got inflation out yesterday, the vast majority of inflation. This is a Bloomberg chart. The orange part on this chart is shelter. Now, shelter is house prices.

Speaker 1:

You might say, oh Felix, but house price inflation is really bad, it's terrible. Well, let me explain to you how the government, in its infinite idiocy, collects house price data. So imagine you are somebody who's owned his house for 10 or 20 years. You're a boomer A lot of you are. I can see the age brackets of our viewers. And lovely lady comes up to you, attractive're a boomer A lot of you are, I can see the age brackets of our viewers. And lovely lady comes up to you, attractive, with a clipboard, and says John, let's say your name is John how much do you think your house would lease for? How much rent do you think you could collect if you rented this out? Well, what are you going to say? You want to impress the lady you like your home. To you it's a special place. You're going to come up with a fairly high number, right? Because why wouldn't you right Now?

Speaker 1:

Is that an absurd way of collecting shelter inflation data? It is, isn't it? It's absurd. It's just like one guy's opinion who's trying to impress a nice lady with a clipboard. Well, that is exactly how the government collects shelter information. That's exactly how house price and rent price information is collected by the US government. Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. It's a clipboard wielding just I've lost the words. The problem, therefore, is that if house prices and rents are actually coming down, it takes people a really, really long period of time to absorb that, because nobody wants to admit that their home is worth less and therefore this metric is completely useless. And the vast majority as you can see in that chart here, of all the inflation we're seeing out there that's being measured, is just this idiocy shelter inflation. So forget about it. It's completely irrelevant, it lags the market by at least a year and it's completely pointless. It just doesn't really matter.

Speaker 1:

And then the second part that mainstream media is telling you is like everyone's expecting inflation to go through the roof. There is this humus thing out there which is a again clipboard wielding pretty lady comes up to you and says are you concerned about the way the US is heading? And you might say yes, I'm concerned. Are you concerned that prices might go up in the future? And you might say yes, and they say well, where do you think inflation is going to be in five years and you're going to give her a number 3% or something. And that's exactly what happened.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you split that poll down because they also ask you whether you're a Democrat or Republican, which is, inflation is going to go to zero, and Democrats think inflation is going to go to 5% plus. So it's literally a fear-based poll which, once again, is completely based on nothing whatsoever and therefore is again completely useless. So again, ignore that. This is what people are saying. Inflation fears are out there. No, they're not Just a bunch of Democrats who are annoyed that they lost the election who now think this government is going to screw it all up. It may or may not be right, but that's beyond the point. That's not really like economic data and as a result of this, the market is now only and this is point three, it's now only pricing in one rate cap, so the Fed will not cut interest rates until December. Does that matter? No, and I'll tell you in a second why. That's actually a wonderful place to be if you're an investor that has a little bit of a longer term horizon, because and this is number four rates have to come down. Why do rates have to come down. Well, let me show you this chart here.

Speaker 1:

Us banks are run by chimpanzees, especially the regional ones, and they did a really, really stupid thing about three, four years ago. They bought lots of US government bonds. Now you might think that's a safe thing to do, right, the government's going to do good for it. But they bought those bonds when interest rates were like virtually zero. So what happens? When interest rates were going up, those bonds lose value, like a lot of value. And the best way to think about that is well, if you own a bond that pays you 0% interest and the government's now issuing a new bond which pays 5% interest, which one would you sell? Which one would you buy? So these 0% bond or 1% bonds lost a lot of value, and that's why all the banks are basically underwater. They're bankrupt. If you took it at market value, they'd be bankrupt. So that means interest rates have to go down to make sure that the US banking sector comes out of its very, very deep dive into just insolvency. So that's going to have to happen at some point. At some point, rates are going to have to come down.

Speaker 1:

And then, if you actually look at real inflation not measured by some clipboard-wielding nutter out there or some statistician in the US government who just makes stuff up, but by actual, real data out there, real price points of what businesses and consumers are paying for. And there's a website that's called truflationcom which is a really great resource, and they measure inflation. And it's at 2%. And you know, when the government was telling us inflation was like 6%, 7% at the peak of the sort of post-COVID madness they actually said inflation was 11% and they were right. Inflation was much higher than it was reported, right. So that's real inflation. It's actually at 2%, which is what it's the target of the Fed 2% inflation. So we're there, and here is one, and I want to go and give you what I'm actually buying and how am I finding it Spending cuts, which Elon's doing, right, he's eliminating waste.

Speaker 1:

And maybe you have a strong political opinion that the US should be sending lots of money for LGBTQ training to, I don't know, panama or Mozambique or something. Fine, it's your opinion, but I think it's probably not the greatest use of your money. It's mostly your money, not mine. I pay very little US tax, thankfully. And he says this. He says as it becomes clear that Doge is working, you will see the long-term treasury yields fall and all Americans will benefit from lower interest rate payments on mortgages, small business debt, credit cards and other loans. And that's exactly how this works. So there are two types of interest rates. There is the one that the Fed sets and then there is the one that's related to US government debt and actually the government, without controlling the Fed, because they don't really. They only get to appoint them every I don't know how often do you appoint the Fed guys? Every four years, or something. I think Powell is up for in 2026, isn't it? He's a Trump appointee, by the way, he's a card-carrying Republican.

Speaker 1:

People often forget that you can reduce the yield, the interest that the US government has to pay. How? Just create less debt. You create less debt, you pay less interest Very simple, and it means that the economy grows faster. It's very, very simple. So actually cutting wasteful spending is probably the easiest lever you can pull if you want to cause economic growth.

Speaker 1:

Again, some people are going to disagree with me on that. That's completely fine. I'm just talking economics here, not politics. So, number seven then what am I buying? Okay, Let me show you this.

Speaker 1:

So we built this tool called tradevisionio. It's a piece of software, it's on a website and it costs $19 a month. There is a free trial for it and we've been building this for two years now. Why? Because I wanted a better tool to find my trades and set them up and track them, and I wanted all of my students to have a better tool. That would mean all the data is in one place and it would also mean that the kind of data that I was used to when I was in banking, like the bank, spent about $100,000 a year on my data because I was the data guy, right. So a little unaffordable for most. So we pay that amount and then we divvy it up between you guys and we pay for a team of 12 developers and everything you basically pay us. We put it back into making this better.

Speaker 1:

So let me give you a few things that this tool, tradevisionio and I'll put the link down below has triggered for me in the last couple of weeks. It gave us a breakout signal for Palantir at $23, at $27, at $36, at $50, if you missed all the previous ones and then at $100. Where are we trading right now? $110 plus, right. So that would have made a lot of money Kamada, which I bought and I told you about that at $7-ish. We're trading at where it is right now, but it's a significant gain. Ibkr, interactive Brokers boring, right. Well, it gave us a breakout signal at $169 and at $208. And right now we're again significantly above that.

Speaker 1:

Mite spelled. M-y-t-e gave us a breakout signal at $8. It's a company that owns MyTeresa, which is sort of a net-a-poté of Europe. It's a Dutch company. That's done very, very nicely. Sofi everyone's complaining about SoFi. Well, very, very nicely. Sofi everyone's complaining about SoFi. Well, the breakout signal was at nine. We're trading at $14, $15. So we're up like 50, 60%. We don't care that it's up or down 50 cents.

Speaker 1:

So you see what I'm getting at here that it's about getting the entry right. When is the breakout happening? And then it's about the exit. Now, how do you understand and learn the exit? So, first of all, you get yourself the trade vision trial, because it's free, it's risk-free. If you don't like it, you just cancel it, right, it's very simple.

Speaker 1:

And then you watch the masterclass, because if you watch the masterclass and you have the tool, you can actually follow along and you have exactly the indicators that I use the whole thing and play with that and do that for a week, spend like 15 minutes a day on it and it'll click and the penny will drop. And for me the experience was chat. It just doesn't mean anything. I need to study the earnings and the fundamentals and I need to, you know, have dinner with the CEO, that sort of type thing. And no, you don't. Why not? Because all of the market's information, all of the market sentiment, all of the data, all of the beliefs about every single stock are recorded in the daily stock chart and once that sinks in, including all the psychology and all the fears and FOMO and everything else, it's all in that chart.

Speaker 1:

Once you understand that, once you understand to read those patterns, they're very, very predictable. And you look for these super high probability breakouts and then you apply good risk management, or managing your money suddenly becomes really freaking fun and you can do great stuff and you can enjoy your life and that's really all there is to it. And then you can hang out stuff and you can enjoy your life, and that's really all there is to it. And then you can hang out. And let me show you where we are right now. We are in this beautiful place here in Kuala Lumpur, if you haven't been here. It's a glorious place. This is the park here and let me show you. You might recognize these towers. They're called the Petronas Towers Largest tallest twin towers in the world. Struggling a little bit to show you the top here. Whoops, where are we there? We are, see these guys. They look absolutely beautiful and it's a glorious place and you can travel and you can hang out and you can do all the wonderful whenever you want to do them, and that's really the goal, and I think that's what life is all about.

Speaker 1:

It's not about sitting in a cubicle. I used to do that and was it fun? No, I loathed every minute of it. Do I enjoy what I do now? Absolutely every single minute of it, and I get so many happy, kind, grateful messages from you guys, and that's why I do this. People often ask why do you do this? Well, I should be retired, but doing nothing isn't that satisfying.

Speaker 1:

And I trade, I manage my money and I just get to share that journey with hundreds of thousands of people now every day, and it's incredible and it's uh, it's uh. I'm going to keep doing this as long as we all enjoy it, and my goal is just to give you so much freaking information and to motivate you so much and to show you the path so often that it'll trigger something in with you, in you, without you actually. All right, I'm going to go and sit down right now. I'm going to sign up for that tradevisionio, I'm going to watch the masterclass. I'm doing it now because this is a priority, because you're inspired, and you're inspired to have freedom. You're inspired to look after the people you want to look after and you're inspired to actually do what you want to do with your life. So if you go and do that right now, that'd be brilliant. This isn't a live stream, as you've probably noticed, because I'm on a flight, so I'll be back tomorrow, live on Friday, and I wish you a beautiful day and all the best.

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