Felix Prehn - This is the Best Investing Opportunity of Your Life + Stock Market News 07 February 2025 (Goat Academy)

Felix Prehn

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Speaker 1:

let's try that again, shall we? Apparently, microphones are important. All right, let's do that again from the top. So, on a beautiful day like today, where it's a little chilly over here, I want to walk you through the following. I want to walk you through the live trade we did together yesterday. That's already up 40% in just one day, so you can learn from it. I want to give you, I want to give you I think there is sound now, right, yes, yes, yes. I want to also give you the massive bull market signal that's out there, that Wall Street's talking about and, of course, mainstream media doesn't even know exists. I want to tell you what everyone's buying Again, the real data from the brokerages. I'll give you my favorite sector, my favorite stocks right now. We'll talk about the jobs data that's just come out like 32 minutes ago and what it means and how we actually profit from that, and then I'll give you, in the tradition of yesterday, I trade off the day.

Speaker 1:

Does that sound like a plan? If that sounds like a plan, then put okay in the chat, or a smiley will also do. We need a buzzer? You do, don't you? Stopped by Mexican hair microphones? Where's road made Australia? I blame the Aussies. No, I didn't turn it on, it's entirely my fault. Can't blame the lot down under. All right, so let's jump straight into it. My friends. Fox says okay, brilliant, that's the plans. William, brilliant, okay, so we did this yesterday. This is actually a screenshot from yesterday's video, because some people are always like, oh, you must have, like, made it up afterwards. You know what some people are like.

Speaker 1:

And this is a trade on Tesla. We still have it open, I have it in the brokerage, and what we did is we created a trade which would make money in this zone, in that whole zone here. And that's a little hard to comprehend at first, because when I was first taught this, I was like I'm sorry, you can do what? So we're making money between $505 to the top and $324 to the bottom Pretty big range, right. And what did this stock do yesterday? Didn't do a lot, right. It wasn't exactly a glorious day for Tesla yesterday, and we are up 40% on this, and I can also show you that here as a screenshot. So it's these. This is the trade here, basically, and the summary of it is here we're up 41%, which is $2,795, having used $6,700 of money. Essentially, that's a pretty sweet setup, isn't it? Now, this is a little.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to lie to you. This is a little bit more complex than what most people do, but it's beautiful, isn't it? How high is the likelihood that Tesla trading at what is it at now? $. How high is the likelihood that tesla trading at 400 and 371 dollars? How likely is it that it would drop like 50 dollars? Right, it could drop 50 dollars. And how likely is it that it's going to blow out that massively by like 35 percent? Pretty unlikely, right, both scenarios. So right now, all we need is for the stock to sort of be somewhere here. That's literally all we need Somewhere in there. And we're good and we're making money.

Speaker 1:

And these strategies are insanely powerful if you understand them and I've got a promise for you I will teach you quite a lot of this tomorrow, completely free of charge. I'll walk you through something like this. I'll walk you through it on VIX, but it's a very, very similar strategy and it'll give you something that probably no one's ever explained to you, because very few people actually understand it and it's not that hard to relearn. It just takes a little bit of practice, and I'll show you how you can practice it. In fact, I'll do one better. I'll actually give you a document that you can walk away with, a cheat sheet that you can actually get, and you can then practice this on your own. It'll walk you through the whole thing. If you want to get your paws on that, then do what. Well, join me for the life trading training tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

I'm running on saturday. I'll be up and busy and working on a saturday so that some of you, uh, nine to five wage slaves can learn and finally get out of that nine to five wage slavery, because I've been there and I didn't enjoy it. I think very, very few people do, if we're really honest with ourselves. So grab yourself a seat it's free at phoenix friends and org slash webinar and join me at 9 am, new york time tomorrow morning, or whatever time that is for your time zone. Daniel is working right now, all right, so is it possible to re-watch that? I haven't decided that. To be honest with you, I don't always make them up. We didn't make the last one available, did we? I don't think we did, but sign up and then there's a chance I might send it to you afterwards. But I highly recommend you show up on the dot, because that's how you actually learn and you can also ask me questions. You're going to get a heck of a lot more out of this. Very few people watch replays of stuff. I don't think it really works, to be honest with you, so I'm not a huge fan of replays.

Speaker 1:

Now, what's the excitement? The excitement is a little thing called retail and I'm sure this is something that you discuss every morning of your Cornflakes, retail net flows, which basically is how much are you buying, you and me, the retail traders, and what you can see here, that we're buying quite a lot. Nice little spike there, and there's a bit more of a dramatic version of that. They call it the retail imbalance. How imbalanced are you feeling this morning, as in, how much more are you buying than usual? And it is the largest imbalance ever, which means retail. You and me are buying more than ever, and that's what's driving the market up. I don't feel like it's going up, but it's what's underpinning the whole thing, because the hedge funds have already shorted and the institutions have been selling and the only people out there buying is us. Institutions are noticing it because the buying is so big and they're going. Why are we going against the trend again, which is kind of important.

Speaker 1:

How did you learn how to invest this way? I was very lucky and I'll tell you a little bit more about it tomorrow, but I was very lucky. I've had some very good mentors. I landed a job by accident, literally on an investment bank trading floor. That's literally by accident. I was at a friend's apartment at the right time at the right place to meet a friend and I was looking for a job at the time and he said oh you, you know my, my colleagues looking for a junior. That's literally how I got the job most random thing in the world and it turned me from someone who hated investing, thought he sacked at it, was terrible at it, lost half my money into someone who now just loves it and it's absolutely amazing. It's given me the most freedom ever and now I get to share this with you, which is like super, super fun, and I've been doing this for four years now and my whole mission here is just to see more people move out of the misery that's usually sitting in a cubicle into actually enjoying life and doing what you were put on this planet to do, and it's insanely satisfying. I absolutely love it.

Speaker 1:

We have a whole team of my mentors who are coaches, who are some of them have been institutional traders for like 40 years, people who worked on stock exchange trading floors, big investment banks, run hedge funds, that kind of thing because they actually know what they're talking about. And I'm just very, very passionate about spreading this because to me, this is what got me freedom and I think it can bring freedom to a lot of people, and it already has to a lot of people that we've helped, and I'm very, very happy to be able to do this every day and it makes my trading a lot more fun because I can share with people. I'm meeting a lot of people, I get a lot of ideas, like it's just, yeah, it's a lot funner than just sitting in front of a couple of screens for a couple of hours a week, which is literally how little I do. So, yasuo, asking about Elf, I think that's a stock. That's not a falling knife Any of you here. What's not a falling knife? Stephanie? You met some other traders, stephanie. See, you kind of start to attract them. So the second story that's part of why we're feeling bullish is buybacks right, share buybacks. So we're expecting somewhere north of $1.1 trillion in buybacks, which will be tremendously beneficial. That's something like $6 billion a day, which is pretty useful. So again, one reason why we're very, very bullish on 2025.

Speaker 1:

Now I wanted to also jump on this one. Amazon right stock had a pretty, pretty wild ride. Let me pull it up for you. Where is it here? It is pretty wild, right. Um, can we refresh that? No, it's still, yeah, but we're still down. We're still down at 232. Not massively, but it's still down. After earnings. And yeah, how often is support and resistance indicator updated, eric? I want to say it's real-time, I think it's near real-time and I have to look up how often that is, but it's definitely a couple of times during the day. I think the data is real-time. So maybe every couple of minutes type thing. That's at least what I think. So Amazon dropped a little bit there.

Speaker 1:

Now these are all the reports from all the investment banks and you know I don't particularly think that much about them, but you know, strong buy right. Bank of America upgraded price target to buy. Rosenblatt upgraded price target buy. Counter Fitzgerald buy. What's going on here? We're overlapping information. Goldman Sachs upgraded price target to what? Yeah, say it with me, it's a buy. Write it in the chat. Rbc Capital upgraded the price target. Outperforms Citibank 275.23,. Buy right.

Speaker 1:

So I put this one in there and it's a little bit on the long side, but you get the idea that everyone's bullish on Amazon and the most idiotic reason that the market came up with for this dumping is that, just like for Microsoft, they have more demand than they can serve from the cloud business. So the cloud growth is disappointing. Why Not enough? Anyone can complete that sentence One, two, three Chips, yes, yes, if you thought that you were completely spot on Not enough chips. So what does that mean? Well, it's for one, very, very bullish for Nvidia. But it's also very, very bullish for Amazon because they have all this demand and it just means it's easy for them to grow. All they gotta do is just get their hands on some chips, right. So why the heck does that stock drop? So we could do a similar trade on what we did yesterday on Tesla on this, and I think I probably will.

Speaker 1:

And again, this is a little advanced, so I'm not expecting you to totally understand this like straight off the bat here, but essentially the idea is to create a large zone with a high probability, in this case, an 85% chance of making money, 85% chance of profit.

Speaker 1:

Can you see that? Yeah, you can see that. And what we do is we basically say look, we're going to make money between here and there, that whole box, so that's 188. I mean, if it drops to 188, like the market's toast, and it can go up to 266, which is a huge freaking range. So it's basically it can go up 15% I don't know why it would, because people are bearish on this or it could drop 19%, which seems a little harsh, given that we already have all the information out that we have there. So that's kind of the idea with these setups we have this very large range where we can just go up, we can go down, we can go up, we can go down. It doesn't really matter which way we go, as long as we stay in that range, and then we could make a very, very nice setup.

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