Felix Prehn of the Goat Academy's Daily Stock Market News will make you the best informed investor and trader. Stay miles ahead of the goings on, on Wall Street.
Felix Prehn is a former banker. Felix is also the founder of the Goat Academy, an educational community with a mission to make 1 million people financially free.
Felix Prehn - Last Chance: Why I’m Buying the Dip + Stock Market News 15 January 2025 (Goat Academy)
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Felix here and on a day where we got huge inflation data out, I want to walk you through what that inflation data means. I want to walk you through why we need to zoom out, why I'm actually massively bullish this market and you might also want to be. Of course, you can judge that yourself, and then I'll give you a huge, high-risk opportunity, as well as explain to you what I'm buying and how I'm buying it and how you can access the same tools. Now, the most important thing on days like this or days on any other days, really is to always think what's the one thing I can do today to make myself into a better investor? How can I spot opportunities better? How can I just make 2025 the most amazing year yet, where my money works for me, I no longer have to and I can enjoy freedom and travel and quitting the nine-to-five wage slavery in a retiring style. If that sounds like you, then I've got a thing for you, and if you do that thing, which is completely free of charge and it'll take you about 20 minutes, then I promise you your life will never be the same again. Now, that's a bold claim, but I base that bold claim because of the fact that I use it every day and that thousands of you are using it now every day, and you keep writing to me how it's changed your life. So go and change your life. Actually, leave this video right now. Go to felixfrenzorg slash, get free and get free. It's a short masterclass which teaches you the core rules that I use, that I apply every day, that have allowed me to massively outperform the market, and you know, potentially it could do the same thing for you if you actually watch it, apply it and study it. So let's get started here. I've got a couple of notes here which I'm looking down.
Speaker 1:The inflation story I put this on the screen here for you. This is from Goldman Sachs, this little gray, depressing chart, and they're basically saying if inflation comes in below 0.3%, this is core inflation, which is what the Fed cares about more strips out energy and food and housing, because who needs energy, food and housing? Kind of weird, isn't it? While a lot of houses are on fire. It's kind of a weird setup, really, isn't it? So if we go below 0.3%, the market should rally somewhere between 1% and 2%. So it's not a big move, but it's still a move nonetheless. And if we go higher than 0.3% in inflation, we'll do the same thing to the downside, so we'll dip somewhere between 0% and 2%. That's the wisdom of Goldman Sachs, one of the greatest investment banks in the world. They're basically saying markets are either going to go up or down. Isn't that amazing? I couldn't come up with. I mean, it's some real skills there, right. But let me walk you through.
Speaker 1:No matter what the inflation data is, as I'm pre-recording this, pre the data being out, there is an inflation lie here and it's a big one, and everyone's peddling it. So they're basically saying big tariffs that Trump might bring in will cause inflation, which is true to some extent. And they'll then say well, because of that, stocks will fall, which might well be true. And then they're saying and the Fed will therefore cut interest rates. And I don't think that's true at all. And I explained to you why. Because it makes no sense. Because, you see, inflation is usually caused by what? Government spending and government money printing. That's what causes inflation. The history of the world always calls. That's what causes inflation If you put tariffs in.
Speaker 1:You're basically saying I don't know, I've got two mice here, right? You're basically saying that this mouse made in Mexico and this one made in the United States. This one will be, say, 50% more expensive. As an example Does that cause inflation? Well, not really. Because you're just going to buy the American mouse now, okay, maybe the American mouse was a little bit more expensive to start with. So now that one goes up here, so it causes a little bit of inflation because you've lost an opportunity to buy the Mexican mouse. Because you've lost an opportunity to buy the Mexican mouse, we should have a cartoon on here, shouldn't we? Speedy the Mexican mouse. And so far, ok, caused a little bit of inflation.
Speaker 1:So maybe they're right. But why are they wrong? Because even if the situation happens, it's a one-time price increase, so it causes inflation one time. The way inflation is calculated in the infinite idiocy that the statisticians come up with, it's compared to the same period last year. So if everything got 50% more expensive in February this year I'm not saying it will be, but let's say it did we cause this massive inflation spike right.
Speaker 1:12 months later, we cause this massive inflation spike right. 12 months later, inflation would be zero, unless they were going to raise tariffs again, which they'd like to. In fact, it'll probably be negative. Why? Because industry will figure out how to make more stuff in the US at lower costs and therefore this inflation thing is kind of a bit of a myth and the Fed knows this. So even if Trump does kick off a bit of inflation, yes, the market will hate it, but the Fed won't cut because of it. Why not? Because the Fed knows this is temporary and it'll go away, and they know it'll go away pretty rapidly within a 12-month period, maybe sooner if industry reacts quicker. So I think that's an important thing to understand here, that whatever the tariff scare is, it'll be temporary. So I really wouldn't worry about it too much.
Speaker 1:And one of the reasons I wouldn't worry about it too much is just zoom out and I put a chart on the screen here for you, which is the S&P. Since time began and we were all living in caves, going, you know that sort of thing, and I'm since, just since 1978. So I'm not saying since the 1920s or something, because none of us were alive then. Since 1978, I wasn't alive in 78, but some of you might have been the S&P is up 66 fold, 66 fold. So what does that say to you? It says buy the freaking dip every time there is one, at least on an index level. Right, I'm not talking about individual stocks, because individual stocks can go to zero. The index cannot go to zero. It's impossible. So therefore, buying the index in moments where the market is wobbly is actually generally a very, very good idea, and as long as you've got a little bit of time, you're going to make some money, I bet.
Speaker 1:I'm actually quite optimistic on Trump coming in here, and I'm not alone. How do I know that? Well, there is the United States Business Optimism Index and it's at the highest level in six or seven years. It's like shooting straight up Again. I put the chart on the screen here for you. And why is that? It's Trump. It's very simple, and maybe you don't like him, whatever, don't care. Business likes lower taxes, less regulation and an end to this perceived overreach by government, like the SEC just yesterday sued Elon Musk for some sort of nonsense, and it's kind of silly really, because they're all going out of office, they're all getting fired and, of course, it's going to go away. So that's kind of been the approach of this past government, this very kind of aggressive, quite anti-government. It's sort of redistributing wealth. And maybe you're a liberal, that's fine. I used to be more of that sort of side of the fence.
Speaker 1:But what the fallacy with socialism is and that's what sort of modern liberalism is is socialism is the idea that there is a finite pie. There's a finite pie of money. Is the idea that there is a finite pie right? There's a finite pie of money and we can divide it between the people. Of course it doesn't work like that because, first of all, there isn't a finite pie. The pie can grow and grow and grow to however large you want. There's no limit to it. And if you say to the people you know the top 1% who create most of that wealth if you say to them, we're going to take away half of it, you say to them don't do anything, because the incentive isn't that great for them to do anything, so they do less and therefore your pie shrinks. So now you're dividing and you're divvying up a smaller and smaller pie and some of you are going to be offended by that because it's political, but it's just economic truth.
Speaker 1:And if you look at countries that have taken the socialism thing a bit further, look at Korea, north and South. The North have you looked at a satellite image of Korea? In the dark, the North is black Black. There's no development, there's no light, there's nothing going on, and the South is this buzzing thing. One is capitalism, one is socialism, where the state has a very, very large input into what happens. So, generally speaking, it's a bad idea, and I think that's one of the reasons, fundamentally, that people are embracing this Tramponian economics, which will be hopefully less government, which I think is generally a good idea.
Speaker 1:But maybe you don't care about politics and you're just wondering well, what's the huge opportunity that you set us out there? Well, I did warn you it was high risk. Basically, trump is apparently on day one, going to repeal something called SAB 121. And it's a well. Basically, what happened is that Congress passed a law last year that allowed banks to hold Bitcoin as an asset on their balance sheet and Biden vetoed it. Trump said he's going to un-veto that on day one and therefore banks can buy and hold crypto. That's potentially a lot of money pouring into crypto. Bitcoin would be a likely, most obvious beneficiary of that.
Speaker 1:So if you want a leveraged, high risk play for that, I would say the key play is micro strategy, mstr, and I put that on the screen here for you inside Trade Vision because I wanted to show you the chat. And what do you see? Well, the stock kind of does as these crazy rallies and then it kind of goes sideways. Crazy rally now is going sideways, so there is a good chance that that's going to break out. Why? Because micro strategy is essentially a financing leveraged Bitcoin play. That's really really, really all it is, and they're very, very good at it. They're very, very smart. It's a very interesting way of running a business. There really is no business, it's just a finance vehicle, but they do it pretty well.
Speaker 1:So when would I buy it? How would I buy it? Well, the one thing I would look at is you see this little volume bars down here. You want to go up on a day and buy on a day where not just the chart's going up, but the volume is really spiking up. And again, if you watch the Masterclasses, you see what I'm talking about.
Speaker 1:Say, you know, the last rally sort of got kicked off in here in February. Look what happened to volume. It went from the volume we show it here on the top left, by the way, up there volume each day. So it went from six, seven, nine million shares a day to suddenly 22 million shares a day. And that's the kind of moment where you want to be like ah, that's interesting, okay, something is happening here. And then you might be thinking, yeah, but I'm not going to notice that. How would I possibly notice that? Well, we're coming to your rescue. We're launching and this is currently a better version we're launching inside Trade Vision breakouts and we will be listing every day the stocks that have these big moves up with big volume.
Speaker 1:So this one, for example, here and again, this is not financial advice, not telling you to buy it, just telling you to. Again, this is not financial advice. I'm not telling you to buy it, I'm just telling you this is something to look at. So we've got big equity networks here, for example, and if you sort of draw a line, extend that a little bit, even across that zone we've been trading in. If you guys have watched the masterclass, you will see what I'm talking about. And then you suddenly get this big, beautiful rally up here I should use a green pen, really and likely on big volume. I haven't opened the advanced chart, but you can obviously do that in the top right and then you'll be able to discover some of these plays. So if MSTR breaks out like that, then it'll show up on our screen.
Speaker 1:Now, this is at the moment. It's a better version. So very, very small group actually has access to this right now. But we're going to roll this out to everybody who's a Trade Vision subscriber already, completely free of charge. It just rolls into your existing subscription for no extra cost. So if you want to be part of that free rollout, get yourself a free one-week trial to Trade Vision. If you don't like it, you cancel it at zero risk. But if you do like it and you do stick around, then this gets thrown in free of charge and it's basically how I invest and how I trade.
Speaker 1:And you might be thinking, well, why? Why not just buy the index? Well, if you look at the entire index thousands of stocks, the Russell or the S&P 500 stocks there are only really about 50 stocks that have taken the entire market up over the last year or two. So you're looking at 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 stocks and out of those, only the top 1% perform, and that's what I kind of started with. Right, the top 1% perform, the 99% don't, and that's just sort of the rule of capitalism. So therefore, I would rather be invested in the top 1% stocks rather than in the other 99% stocks, which are not going to make me any money. So that's just the way I'm programmed and it also means we don't become bag holders and all of that.
Speaker 1:There's a little bit to it, and I'd encourage you to watch the masterclass. You really understand what's going on out there. But I think we've got a tremendous opportunity. I think 2025, 2026 is going to be tremendous in the market. There'll be some wobbles at the beginning as Trump gets in and sort of smashes the China. You can't, you know, bake a pie without breaking eggs. Is that the phrase? Something like that, isn't it? And I think that's what's going to happen here and some of the market's going to get freaked out a little bit by that. I think it's going to be a tremendous opportunity. So I'm very, very bullish.
Speaker 1:I'd encourage you to expand your time frame a little bit when it dips, because it will and there will always be these dips and we haven't actually had a major dip since more than a year ago and those dips are the wealth making opportunities. So if you use those dips, when they scare you a little bit, to incentivize yourself to learn and get better, so you're not scared next time. You know what to do and you can take advantage of the opportunity. Then you'll be insanely well prepared and 2025 will be the best year for you yet. So, as I am putting this life, I'm actually in a desert somewhere. I'm slightly guys getting giving away my location, but you won't find me. It's a lot of sand around and I'll be back live tomorrow. I hope to see you there and I wish you a beautiful day. All the best.