Felix Prehn of the Goat Academy's Daily Stock Market News will make you the best informed investor and trader. Stay miles ahead of the goings on, on Wall Street.
Felix Prehn is a former banker. Felix is also the founder of the Goat Academy, an educational community with a mission to make 1 million people financially free.
Felix Prehn - Everything Just Changed+ Stock Market News 14 January 2024 (Goat Academy)
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A huge welcome to you for this pre-market live stream, after I managed to find the go live button. Yeah, I know Ex-banker here, so you know you? Not that many brain cells really. And today is the day where everything that went down must go up, and it did. And why? Because we just got inflation data. And inflation data we just got in was so wonderful. I could kiss you if I could see you, and I want to explain that to you. And then the next question, of course, is well, what is there for the great big opportunity today? What should we be buying? What should we be selling? How do we make money today? And that's, of course, what this is all about.
Speaker 1:As I slurp my uh doesn't look very appealing, does it this? It's not alcohol. No, it's not urine either. It is. It is we? What? By electrolytes here? I got this stuff on the plane for free. No, it is not. And of course, it's sponsored. None of these videos ever are sponsored. You will never see an endorsement, a paid placement, anything like that in my videos, because I'm against it. I think it's a bit fishy, isn't it? I never know.
Speaker 1:I get pitched this stuff every single day, literally. I'm always like block, block, block, unsubscribe, and the reason is I don't know whether those companies are good, bad, ugly, ethical. Is it a good broker? Is it a bad broker? That kind of thing. So we don't do it, I don't do it, I'll never do it. That's a simple promise to you. So I'm not saying the people who do tell you to sign up to whatever brokerage and get free I don't know what are ethical or anything like that. That's not what I'm saying at all. I mean, I get, everybody needs to make a living somehow and I'm very fortunate I'm already retired. So, although my retirement is getting busier and busier every week, but it's good fun and that's why we do this here, to get more people to the point where I am at right now.
Speaker 1:So let me share my screen with you here and there it is, and show you the unadulterated data in its full glory. What have we got just out? We have PPI inflation, which is producer price index. Oh, the exciting lives we live, right, honey? What are you doing today?
Speaker 1:I'm looking at the producer price index and then the core producer price index. Terribly exciting stuff, but it is actually. We were expecting it to come in at 0.3%. It came in at 0.2%. Exciting right, 30% lower than expected. But the real joy lies in the core PPI. Expected also at 0.3%, it came in at zero, null, nichts, nada, brilliant right. So how do you know it's brilliant? How do you know this is actually good?
Speaker 1:Well, you open up Trade Vision, say, and you open up a rate-sensitive stock like Nvidia or the QQQ or SoFi or something like that, and up here, where it says 1D, can you see that Up there it says 1D. That's a day. One day we change it to say 1M for one minute, and then you go back to 8 30, which is here, and you see the beauty of that great big green candle and you're like, ah, so we went from 134 to you know 136 in the space of four minutes. This was good news. You don't need to be an economist to figure this out. Just look at the chart. The chart is generally your friend. It's generally the source of all information. Anything you ever want to know about a stock is in the chart, so that's pretty useful. So now we're basically excited. Everything's going to go up and the market is rewarding us with a pre-market greenness that we haven't seen in about a week or so. Right, we've forgotten what it looked like what green looked like Tesla up 2.5%, nvidia up around 2%. The big tech stocks are generally also up. Meta is down a little bit here, but nothing significant. That could be the rumors around TikTok, which I'll get to in a moment, which are important, by the way. So do stick around, and I think that's why meta is down a little bit. But other than that, this is a great big sea of green which, of course, we shall enjoy. So shall we run through the individual stocks first, or a little bit of bigger picture? I think let's do the bigger picture first. I think that'll be helpful to understand what's going on with the individual stocks.
Speaker 1:I asked you guys also a question in the chat here what drives you to invest? Now 69%, so almost 70% of you said quit wage slavery which I didn't misspell, I know bankers can't spell and then retire in style, which is sort of the same thing, slightly different. Take on the same story. So most of you basically want to get out of your misery and get time freedom right. So how are you going to do that? That would be my next question. Well, so now this is important, this is kind of the order to do it, and you want to know what drives you. Which is this right? You want to quit your job, you want to retire, you want to help your family the 20% of you who are the altruists you are lovely people. I'd hope to meet you one day. And then you've got to figure out well, how am I going to do that? So you're going to need some tools, you're going to need some information, and then you're going to need to implement it. And why do you implement it? Because you either really want to get to your goal or you've got some pain that's shifting you away from where you currently are. So that's why I ask you these questions. I hope it kind of gives you a little bit of clarity in there.
Speaker 1:Jason says so much valuable information. Is there a concise masterclass? We can learn this from step-by-step, says Jason. It's pretty concise, isn't it? The one that I got out there? It's pretty concise, isn't it the one that I got out there? Now, hang on, my door is knocking, so give me one second, okay, and we're back. No housekeepers to answer the doors here in hotels. It's scandalous, isn't it? So how are you going to get there? Well, as Jason says just now about the masterclass, well, I'll be one place to start.
Speaker 1:So if you want to learn how I actually spot breakouts, how I get into those traits and then how I get out of them before they become shitshows, so nearish the top, Watch the masterclass. It's free. I'd recommend, in fact, that you leave this very stream right now and watch that why? Because it's far more important to have skills than to know every little detail about what's happening today. But there are some big things happening today, for example, why Meta is red right now but Elon's done and about to do, and that might knock you off your chair this morning. So there's some good stuff coming up. But definitely more important, to wear pants and underwear today, says John. Yes, absolutely, masterclass was awesome, says jinx. Appreciate that, my friend, thank you very much. So, as jinx says, do you watch it? And so, okay, here are a couple of stories in a particular order that I think are important, and then we'll go into our favorite stocks, I'll answer your questions and and much, much more.
Speaker 1:Morgan stanley ups tesla's target to 800 sort. By the way, that headline is slightly misleading. Their actual target is $400. So the actual target is $400. And then they put out a bull case which is now $800. So it's sort of like tears, snakes and ladders type thing. And the reason for that? The reason for that is very simple. The reason for that target is simply robo-taxis. They've crunched the numbers and they realized that robo-taxis is an amazing business.
Speaker 1:It's like Uber, but on crack cocaine, if it were legal cane, if it were legal, mandy, you signed up to Trade Vision today, but the support button is grayed out. You're probably on a stock with very, very little volume. So what you will see is you won't have support if you're looking at something really random I don't know what you're looking at, mandy, but it's probably something random so go to a bigger stock and then you'll see the support line. It doesn't work on the small stocks, which is why we don't show it. So look at that green. Isn't that the thing of glory? So that's Tesla, so that's good. That's also why we're up today and that's why yesterday was a nice recovery.
Speaker 1:Now a couple of big things out of the Trump camp that are being floated. Now you never know whether these are true stories, whether they're testing the waters or whether these are genuine leaks. Trump is apparently going to act on crypto, kryptonite, bitcoin, that sort of thing on day one. And what does that mean? They're going to float some sort of crypto regulation on day one, which could be very, very, very, very, very beneficial to Bitcoin at all. So I think that's quite useful. Is it possible to buy the masterclass with a credit card? No, it's not, because it's free. So it's free literally, so you don't have to pay for it.
Speaker 1:Will you be able to see UK stocks eventually in Trade Vision? Yes, I think the UK is probably the second country that we will add, although I must say there are very, very little decent UK stocks. Have you seen the FTSE over the last couple of years? It's done like nothing. So British pensioners are basically being robbed every single day because fund managers buy British stocks, which is idiotic. But when will SoFi go global? They're already in a bunch of other markets, but the US is where it's at. So that's one thing.
Speaker 1:Secondly, there is the story out about tariffs being introduced gradually, which is also one of the reasons we are looking quite green today. Introduced gradually, which is also one of the reasons we are looking quite green today, because they're saying we might just increase input in tariffs of like 5% in month one, 10% in month two, 15% in month three and so on, and it'll give them really nice leverage. So, like, the longer you talk to us, the worse your pain will be, but it'll also allow the market to get used to it a bit more gradually. Now, the only thing with that is that I don't think Trump is a very gradual kind of a guy. I think he's kind of a sledgehammer through the door kind of a guy. So I'm not sure I believe that, and the story comes from the Washington Post. Now, the Washington Post is owned by none other than Bezos, the man who owns Amazon. Amazon will feel some serious pain from tariffs because everything they sell is basically made in a certain country that I shan't mention, but you probably know the one I mean and therefore he might be floating this. So I'm not sure it's generally a true story, but that's definitely out there and that's helping the markets today.
Speaker 1:Then there is this, which is why Meta is down today Musk is seen as a possible buyer of TikTok. So apparently ByteDance, tiktok's Chinese overlord, is saying that if we do get banned, we might sell it to Elon, because Elon well, maybe they have a good relationship with him. China is, of course, a huge market for Tesla and so on, but it's kind of an unusual one. So Elon could end up with TikTok integrated into X and then you have this weird massive kind of new social media platform out there. Would Elon do it? I don't know, nobody knows really. Nobody really knows how much he's involved there, but it's very unusual that this is being floated out there. Would Elon do it? I don't know, nobody knows really. Nobody really knows how much he's involved there, but it's very unusual that this is being floated out there. So that's good news, isn't it? Is that good news? I think it's good news. Some people are saying it's going to distract him even more from Tesla. Well, if you see what he's doing with X, I think it's the biggest advert for Tesla ever.
Speaker 1:So let's have a look at Tesla and come up with our other top stocks here, alrighty. So here is Tesla, and it looks like we're going to get a gap up here in the next 12 minutes. We're trading at $414 right now, above the resistance, getting us out of this miserable zone that we've been in, and I'm very happy about that. Why? Because it's going to make us money, isn't it? Let's have a look at how's our Tesla trade doing right now. This is also in trade vision. So in trade vision you can now import from all the major brokerages your portfolio, which means you can see your open trades but also your closed trades, and most brokers don't really show you what you are up to. So I think that's going to be very useful. So we have about 200% here on that Tesla trade, so it's interesting to see how that bounces up as we go a little bit higher. So good call all around us, I'd say so. So far, those Tesla puts I sold, they're looking quite sweet. Right now they're up about 13%, so they might be ripe to close them. Actually, I'll have a look at that in a moment when the market opens. So that's good news on Tesla.
Speaker 1:Now I see somebody mentioned Palantir in the chat. Just, they're having a bit of a tough time of late. Cheerio, you don't have a credit card. Really there are still people in this world who don't have credit cards. I mean, somebody at Visa is jumping out of a window right now. Their life's work is incomplete. I don't know. Well, we use Stripe for checkout, which is what most software uses. I don't know if there is a platform, an option to use a debit card or something. Have a look at that. It's not our most popular request but it's possible. So we're back to 66.92 here on Palantir. Why is that important? That's the yellow line there. That's the 50-day moving average line, which is a very important support line. So you want to close above that level? We're doing that right now.
Speaker 1:Now one thing I did notice as we're selling off up here these last three days volume has decreased and that's quite a good sign. It means less people are selling off each day. So kind of the bottoming out was a possibility there. There, jamie, you don't have a credit card either. What are you all? 12 years old, or something Scott says? Will we allow for API import? Yes, scott, we're working on that. We're literally waiting for Schwab and co to give us permission to use that. You've got to apply to them, which we've done, and then they you know someone's probably working from home sleeping on it two days a week. You know how these large organizations are run. But as soon as we have that permission, we'll allow you to do that and then we'll work through it with every other broker as well. That permits us to do the same thing.
Speaker 1:Let's have a look at SoFi. Sofi should have a nice little jump here, given that inflation is coming in lower and, yeah, we're seeing that we're at 1435, a little gap up there which is looking good, still below the 50 day moving average line. The market's still kind of going, yeah, but we're still going to get out inflation data tomorrow as well, aren't we? Which is true. So moderate reaction so far. Let's see how that plays out when the market opens in nine minutes. Well, instead of between the red and the green volume bar, it's now matching. It matches the candles. That's the widely accepted color scheme which we have reverted to. Before it was about actually volume being larger or smaller, but it seemed to confuse too many of you, so we've switched it back to how everybody else does it.
Speaker 1:Any other stocks you want us to look at? Paypal, perhaps? E-dub says I bought Trade Vision with a Visa debit card and I didn't need a regular credit card. Yeah, that should work. I use a debit card, says David. Okay, 42 years old, never had a credit card. You are interesting people, aren't you? It's a very, very eclectic mix of people that we have here. Paypal is up a little, not massively, but 84.50. I think we can live with that. Nothing particularly exciting, but still decent, particularly exciting, but still decent. Okay, we're getting a lot of stocks being chucked in here.
Speaker 1:Let's have a look at AMD. Actually, I made a video on AMD which I'm going to put out, which will, I think, be quite interesting and in terms of, okay, I'm starting to see the fundamental ball case to AMD, because I've dug into it a little bit more, because you guys have been bugging me about it and I think you have a point, but it's too early. That's what I'm saying. It's still far, far too early. There's still a falling knife and if there's one thing I've learned is don't buy falling knives, because it's at 118 right now but it could be at 50. So don't buy stuff when all of our rules are saying no. And there's only three rules and they're very simple and you can learn them how. You just go and watch the masterclass Link is down below and then you know exactly at the point at which I will buy AMD. So I'd encourage you to do that.
Speaker 1:Any plans to integrate European brokers into Trade Vision? Yes, we will do more. I mean interactive brokers, of course, is quite a European outfit, but yeah, there are at the moment. Interactive brokers is definitely very European. Tasty is European Trading212 is Canadian, isn't it? Yeah, we are working on a bunch of European ones. The next thing we're going to put out is allow you to manually import, because that's sort of a kill all for anybody. But then, yeah, we're going to keep getting back on board with European and also British ones because we can see where you're based.
Speaker 1:When will the breakout indicator be available, says Brian? I am promised the test version today or tomorrow. I will then test it out, probably for a couple of days, and then we'll put it out. I just want to make sure it actually so. We've done the backend. The backend, it looks amazing, the calculations and all that's amazing. We're just working on how to display it exactly and that's going to come up very shortly. I used T212 in the UK. Okay, appreciate that.
Speaker 1:Wba looks great A few of you are shouting that out there Not one of the popular stocks out there. So you can also see in trade vision here actually the popular stocks, right Palantir, nvidia, the S&P, tesla, sofi, s&p again, qqq, amd, sound, kmda that's my fault Rigetti, micron and so on. So you can kind of see what people are looking for, which I actually find quite enlightening. What did you just mention, wba. They're having a bit of a recovery, aren't they? Yes, so nice big breakout there on earnings on the 10th of January and still going strong three days later, which is good. Yeah, a little bit of resistance here. We seem to be slicing through that quite nicely. So I think a rally back up to 1570 seems very possible, very plausible. I'm not telling you to buy it, of course, but yeah, it looks very bullish, I agree with you. I'm not telling you to buy it, of course, but yeah, it looks very bullish, I agree with you.
Speaker 1:Axgn I looked at that this morning. That looked pretty good, right. I should have bought that yesterday. You know, I was just so tired yesterday I was jet lagged, I just didn't do any trading, which I always kick myself for. But it's looking pretty good, right? I should have bought it yesterday, which would have been somewhere here at 15, at 18,. Now it's at 19, 20. So, yeah, don't let the good stocks get away.
Speaker 1:I always say to myself Best, easiest trading platform in the UK, probably Tasty, I would argue. Webull, actually. No, webull, that's easier to use. A Weeball, actually, no, weeball, that's easier to use, yeah, weeball for sure. You can turn $100 into a mil if you know how to trade. Yes, with a little bit of patience, I think that's entirely possible.
Speaker 1:Is there a broker you can use in the Ukraine, jerry? I don't know. I think, generally speaking, interactive brokers is available. Can use in the Ukraine, jerry? I don't know. I think, generally speaking, interactive brokers is available almost everywhere in the world, but Ukraine, of course, is a special situation at the moment with sanctions and all that, so I don't know whether you can. Are we going to add Japanese stocks to it? You know I should never say never, but I would just be honest with you. That's not on the real short list because our Japanese users are probably two, so I don't think that's a huge demand there right now. T212 is super easy. Okay, I'm going to use that AXGN. Are you looking at that from the course? Brilliant, my friend of the two stars there.
Speaker 1:I think I did actually mention it yesterday on the live stream here, didn't I? It was at the top of my job there. Mk, you made $370 in two days. Congratulations, my friend. That's very, very cool. Now, the guy who spams by putting the same thing in here again and again I am going to block you, my friend. Sorry about that, because I don't like spam. Is DJT worth buying? The Trump thingy is one of the most volatile stocks out there. I don't think this is something that the normal investor or trader should really be in. No, I don't think it is. It is a breakout right now, but these are real meme-based kind of things, or hedge fund going nuts or something, so I wouldn't say normal rules apply, so I would be very cautious. I mean, the last breakout here was not a breakout. It was actually. This was actually one that was actually a good call and then it ran all the way up. But it can be very, very, very, very volatile, as you see here right, so it's a tough thing to trade. I wouldn't necessarily.