Felix Prehn of the Goat Academy's Daily Stock Market News will make you the best informed investor and trader. Stay miles ahead of the goings on, on Wall Street.
Felix Prehn is a former banker. Felix is also the founder of the Goat Academy, an educational community with a mission to make 1 million people financially free.
Felix Prehn - This is the Best Investing Opportunity of 2025 + Stock Market News 06 January 2025 (Goat Academy)
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Felix here and welcome to 2025, the proper beginning of this year's investing and trading year. I'm super excited to have you here, and what I want to do in the next few minutes is I want to give you the four ways that are, in my opinion, the easiest ways to profit in 2025 from the stock market here, and I'll share my screen with you. So that's step number one. Would that be okay if I share that with you? Would that be okay? I'm walking through the actual traits and the reasonings for it. And then, secondly, I've asked you if you want to have a great year, and so far, 95% of you are planning to make 2025 the best year financially. The 5% who answered no, now you're either Brits with a cheeky sense of humor or you don't belong to this channel, because we here are united in wanting 2025 to be the best year yet by far, and we're going to make that happen here by equipping you. So what do you think is the number one thing that's holding you back right now? Literally put it in the chat what's the number one thing? Is it skills, knowledge, experience, knowing how to pick stocks, knowing how to find those big breakouts? Is it risk management? What do you think it is and please share that with me in the chat here. Bookmong, you're a Brit and you're yeah, you're voted no, I know you're kind, I know you're kind Bastards. So, okay, capital Some of you need more capital, more money to invest Money.
Speaker 1:Interesting Confidence, says Scott. Screening stocks, says Kindra. Brent says knowledge Okay. Loving this Patience, says Ben. Yeah. Brent says knowledge, ok. Loving this Patience, says Ben. Yeah. Mindset is very, very big, the fear of losing knowledge. And even the French have tuned in. Don't tell the Brits. Jerome Powell, ok. The taxman OK.
Speaker 1:Some of you are blaming people outside of yourself, guess what. We can't control those people, so forget about them. They're irrelevant. We can make money in all markets, up down, sideways and everything else here, but discipline, capital, finding the gems strategy with risk management OK, brilliant. So I think, if we can, we can summarize what most people are writing here.
Speaker 1:The number one thing holding you back is essentially skills, or the lack thereof, the lack of knowledge, right? So therefore, would it be fair to say, if I was to give you those skills, that that would be helpful? Would it be helpful if I gave you those skills? So now I'm not going to run you through all the skills here in the next few minutes, because it would become a very tedious educational video that not everybody would enjoy, especially not the Brits nor the French. But what I can do instead is give you this masterclass where I teach you how to spot the breakouts the way we do. We'll talk a little bit about that in a moment. But I'm not going to teach you here the fundamental educational stuff, because you can go away and you can watch that in your own time and that way you can take notes and you can rewind it and everything else.
Speaker 1:And if you learn those three rules that every really successful and experienced trader out there uses and by that I mean the very small handful of people who actually do really, really well, because most people don't know them. And if they do know them, they're not going to share it with you. Why not? They're selfish bastards, aren't they? So why do I share it with you? Because I think you deserve to know. I stumbled upon it by chance, because I landed a job randomly in a bank and it's changed my life and it can change your life too, but if, and only if, you actually watch it, you take notes, you write it down and then you actually implement it and that will put you in the top 1% of investors. That's what I'm saying to you. So go to felixfriendsorg slash, get free, because I want you to get free.
Speaker 1:And if you missed this video, I'm about to tell you, way less important than actually getting the skills, because the only way 2025 will be better for you and in your control if you change what's between you know, the ears, as in the knowledge, the skills that you have. Everything else is what some of you are saying it's your own power, it's politicians, it's stuff outside of your control, right? If you think trump will fix it for you, or powell or politician, it's not going to happen. You have no control over that. You don't know if they are going to deliver on the things that you'd like. So the only way you can make it happen is by investing in yourself, and this is free, by the way. So by investing, I mean 30 minutes of your life, 30 minutes of actually paying attention and looking at the notes and, as Brent says, I've got my get free notes right here. Okay, love that. Thank you very much. So watch that, my friends. Okay, that's the first part here, and then I want to walk you through the four things that I think are the greatest investment opportunities right now. Because, quickly, here, before we do, what happens if you don't learn the skills that I was just talking about how to spot the breakouts, how to do risk management Well, these bastards here hedge funds and Goldman Sachs will scare you out of your money.
Speaker 1:Because Goldman Sachs is saying hedge funds are selling US stocks at the fastest pace in more than seven months. Ah, scary run, everybody sell everything. Right, that's what they're trying to say. So they're trying to scare you out of your position so they can probably enter the market at a little point. And what they're not telling you is this we just had a year where the market went up. How much did it go up? By 25% or something like that. Right, that was the measly return. The index gave you Better than a kick in the groin, in fairness. Now it's one of the best years in the market in all seriousness. And the year before, actually, here, it says it was 23%. Okay, 23%, this is 2024. 2023 was how much? It was 24%. It's almost the same, right. So those two years, you know you're about 50% up, which is very nice, compounded, maybe a little bit more.
Speaker 1:So therefore, people are saying and this is kind of the mainstream media, right they're saying, well, we've had these two beautiful years. Therefore, 2025, the end is near. Trump will destroy it all, tariff will end it all, inflation will go to the moon and it's all terrible and self-driving cars don't work and the RoboX bots will come and kill us and we'll all be unemployed. And you know all that kind of nonsense out there and it's just not true. What happened in the few years where we had back-to-back 20% plus returns in the market you can see it on the chart here. What happened? Well, we got every single time we had a positive return in the subsequent year. So we have not in the last 75 years had a situation where you get two great years on the stock market and then a negative year following, and in three out of those four years we went up 19%, 26% and 31%. So it really is like it's a pretty sweet setup that we're in right now.
Speaker 1:So just to give you some perspective here about the doom and gloom that people are putting out there why do people put doom and gloom out there? Very simple, it gets clicks. It's really very, very simple, like if I make this video and I call it. The end is near. Sell everything, we're doomed. We will get double the amount of viewers watching it, which is a sad state of affairs. But it's just fear really, really works right. So I'd urge you to smash the like button so that we can put out content that's actually educational and useful and not fear-driven, because that kind of sucks to have to trigger fear in people to get them to tune in.
Speaker 1:Graham is saying is this live or re-recorded? What do you think, graham? What do you think? So let's walk through opportunity number one. Okay, this is. I'm going to walk through four of these. This is op number one. I can't spell the whole word. Opportunity. Bankers are not that smart. Who just had bumper sales in December, anybody know? So a little bit of a giveaway there on the screen.
Speaker 1:No, it isn't the smiling man and Apple, it's what's on his shirt. On his shirt it says Foxconn. And you might be thinking, felix, I don't care, I don't own any Foxconn stock and I it's probably a sensible thing. It's a Taiwanese manufacturer that makes most of the Apple parts and also a lot of the Nvidia stuff out there. So I, so Jerome, my friend, I'm so, so happy to see how well you're doing, jerome. Jerome, how much were you up by last year, 2024? Just share it with people Like you'll inspire people. Jerome, you are, as you say, a simple mechanic. You're obviously brilliant, my friend, because you brilliantly follow your system. But, yeah, he's doing insanely well, which I love you for.
Speaker 1:So what does this mean? Foxconn? Well, foxconn had the best December yet ever in the history of Foxconn. Now everybody is thinking well, apple sales are declining and therefore they're going to have a miserable year.
Speaker 1:So the best December ever means what thing? What? Well, why is it the best December ever? It's because of strong AI sales. That's what they said. So who benefits from that? What stocks, what companies are therefore going to have?
Speaker 1:You know who's sending them the orders? Well, it's Apple, right, a-a-p-l, and the other one is NVIDIA N-V-D-A. So there you have it. Very, very simple. All you got to do is read the tea leaves which are telling you the biggest suppliers of these two companies just had the biggest December they've ever had in the history of their manufacturing. So look at Apple, look at Nvidia. So how do you then do that? Well, you can go over. This is the morning, by the way, it looks pretty glorious and green, doesn't it? Everything is green this morning. So we pull up, say NVIDIA We'll do that again in a second, because there's more to that story actually than meets the eye.
Speaker 1:Jerome turned $15,000 into $147,000. That's amazing, isn't it? That's really really fantastic. $131,000 profit, jerome. Congratulations, my friend. You very, very much deserve it, because he put in the work right, he actually studied, he actually learned, he actually practiced, he actually followed rules and he has risk management. So he's doing super, super well because he deserves it.
Speaker 1:So what do you see on our trade mission chart here for NVIDIA? You see that it says buy. Now, it's an indicator. It's not always 100% right, but that was on Friday, right. Where are we trading right now Above that level? Let me just turn off the indicator. Here. We're trading at $148. So we're gapping up $4 here, and now you know why? Right, because of that Foxconn news, which is very impressive. So that's very, very good news and it breaks us out of this downward trend that I painted in here. Volume was pretty decent on Friday. Watch out for volume today. I suspect it's going to be higher and we could be looking at a breakout of the 150 level here, which is the previous highs from November and Nvidia could be taken off in a nice way, and I'll tell you a little bit why in a moment.
Speaker 1:Right, jerome, my friend, I'm grateful for people like you very, very much because you are kind, you're generous, you put in the work, and there's a little bit of work you've got to put in, especially when you want to learn options, and you don't have to. You can also do really well with stocks, but options obviously can give you a little bit of an edge, and you're very generous in your kind soul and you share it with people and you inspire people. So keep doing exactly what you're doing, my friend, and as I always say to our students who are doing insanely well, when you're doing insanely well, overconfidence will crawl in. So make sure you've got your risk management really tight. Write it out, put it on your screen, so you will never ever think, yeah, but I'm such a genius, you know it's going to be all right. This one will be different. As long as you don't allow that to creep in and it's natural, by the way, it's happened to me too. It happens to me too every once in a while Follow your rules and the money will forever be yours, right, which is brilliant, okay.
Speaker 1:Second piece of news here, which also pertains to NVIDIA. The news out is that the chat GPT moment for physical AI and robotics is just around the corner. And guess who's going to benefit from that? And what does that mean? By the way, it just means that robots and machines like cars that are driven by AI are about to be a real reality and will go mainstream very, very rapidly. So who's at the center and the heart of that whole thing? Well, it's NVIDIA. They basically position themselves as the go-to platform for robotics. They offer a full robotics stack, which means all the technology, everything there software for training, the models and a simulation platform, the Jetson hardware, which I love. You know ever watch the Jetsons, where you just fly out of your high-rise building and you know that kind of thing. And that's going to happen. And NVIDIA says you know, the robotics market is about to explode.
Speaker 1:So again, nvidia, nvid, nvidia, nvidia, nvidia, right, that's very good news. And bear in mind, this is a stock that's done absolutely nothing since last summer, literally nothing at all. And what did I say at the end of last year? I said, well, I think AI stocks like Nvidia, the chip stocks, there were laggards. They didn't do that well in 2024, even though everybody talked about them. So I think 2025 is the year for these guys.